

放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2019-12-01 19:07:03  阅读:3679+ 作者:中国医学博士联络站



In response to the development needs of the research group, we will recruit 1-2 visiting scholar(PhD students) in the field of organic polymer synthesis and synthetic biology, and warmly welcome young talents in the fields of biomedicine and chemistry to join us.The research team has worked extensively with Robert Langer's group, a fellow of the three institutions of MIT, and the research will be conducted in both laboratories.

The requirements are as follows:

1.Biological materials, polymer chemistry, organic synthesis, polymer chemistry, synthetic biology, drug delivery, biological imaging, tumor immunity, tissue engineering and other related research background of 985 colleges and universities or reading of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D., especially in pichia synthetic biology, RAFT/ATRP living free radical polymerization, tumor immunology, diagnosis and treatment agent research and development direction for outstanding experience preferred;

2.Have strong writing ability in English, independently wrote and published research papers in important international academic journals as the first author;

3.Work conscientiously and steadfastly, with high sense of responsibility and initiative.Good communication skills and teamwork spirit, passionate about scientific research.

For interested applicants, please send detailed resume and representative papers to traversolab@gmail.com.Please note "Visiting scholar application-your institution name" in the title.

Tutor profile:

Dr. Traverso is now an assistant professor in the department of mechanics at the Massachusetts institute of technology and a clinician at brigham and women's hospital affiliated to harvard medical school.She specializes in the design, synthesis and application of micro-nanostructured and functional materials in the medical field.


麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),简称麻省理工(MIT),是一所国际闻名私立研讨型大学,以顶尖的工程学和计算机科学而闻名,位列国际大学学术排名前列。



截止2019年3月,先后有93位诺贝尔奖得主曾在麻省理工学院学习或作业,在全球和全美高校中别离列第六名和第五名;先后有26位图灵奖得主在MIT作业或学习过,仅次于斯坦福(26位)位列国际第二。还有8位菲尔兹奖(国际数学最高奖)得主曾在MIT作业、位列国际第八。截止2016年, 在MIT现役教授中共有79位美国国家科学院院士(以及47位退休教授)、57位美国国家工程院院士(以及59位退休教授)。





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